How do Celebrity Moms Get in Shape after Pregnancy?

The legends about the success of many celebrities, who attended yoga classes and had a salt-free diet, are unlikely to have something to do with reality.

Miranda Kerr

According to the reports from the sources associated with the elite plastic surgery of many stars, celebrities resort to the most extreme methods in order to regain their good shape.

Radical Weight Loss Methods after Childbirth Celebs Prefer

Thus, Dr. Carson Liu told in an interview with FOX that most celebrities resorted to the most extreme weight loss methods after childbirth. The doctor had very serious doubts as to whether these methods could be called healthy. Hollywood celebrities have a huge external pressure. They just have to lose weight after giving birth, and that is what is expected of them.

Strict Dieting after Childbirth

Another expert tells about such a “conventional” method: immediately after birth the star begins to starve in order to undergo liposuction as quickly as possible. This is accompanied by a procedure known among the professionals as “fat transferring”, which involves surgical removal of fat from one part of the body and its transfer to another one.

Celebrities Opt for Surgery to Get a Slim Body Again After Pregnancy

According to plastic surgeon Constantino Mendieta, most women discover that after birth their body simply does not respond to diet and exercise. Celebrities need to recover their former shape, literally, overnight. Women often have to remove the fat from the abdomen and move it to the buttocks to restore the fullness and roundness of the star rear. It works well for the women, who want to boast a flat stomach. The “good job” costs 13,000 dollars.


Extreme Breast Milk Pumping to Lose Weight

The struggle for the figure does not end here. Most of the stars, in the words of another expert, are engaged in “extreme breast milk pumping” to restore their breast shape. They pump the milk day and night. Celebrities always have a lot of empty bottles at hand.

Placenta Injections

Some even use their own placenta, which is injected daily, in a combination with low-calorie diet. The tool is effective, but also very dangerous because it can lead to colon cancer.

Healthy After-Childbirth Weight Loss Tips

Dr. Liu advises women not to resort to such extremes, but to protect their health and the health of their child. If you want to lose weight and not lose health, just be careful with what you eat, have breast-feeding when you can, and do physical exercises an hour a day. The results will not be instantaneous, but they will not be fatal and disappointing.