Fat and Cholesterol Lead to Gestational Diabetes in Pregnant Women
The women, who cut the share of animal fats and cholesterol in their diet during pregnancy, can reduce the risk of developing gestational diabetes.
The researchers from the National Institute of Child Health and Development (USA) have analyzed the data on health status, lifestyle and diet of more than 13,000 women aged 22 to 45 years. Approximately 6% of the participants of the study reported that they were diagnosed with “gestational diabetes” (diabetes of pregnant women) during pregnancy. This disease is characterized by the period of gestation, it is accompanied by a breach of carbohydrate metabolism and increases the risk of complications during pregnancy. The disease may also affect the health of the newborn baby.
After analyzing the statistics, the researchers found that the women, who liked much animal fats and foods high in cholesterol before pregnancy, had a twice higher risk of getting ill with gestational diabetes.
The experts recommend that the women, who are preparing for pregnancy, reduce the consumption of foods containing large amounts of fat and cholesterol. For example, if the number of animal fats is reduced by at least 5%, the risk of gestational diabetes is reduced by 7%.