Teaching your Family to Eat Healthy

You have decided to change your diet and included healthy products. You now eat less fat, drink plenty of liquids… The rules are simple, and much has already been written about them. But the issue is that your husband and children are used to other foods and this has led you to continue delaying proper nutrition for a later time. But maybe there are ways to teach the whole family to eat healthy food?

Healthy Vegetables

Be creative in cooking

Surprise your household and then they will be more focused on the unusualness of new dishes and not on the things from what they are cooked. Let it be unusual sushi with vegetables and chicken, stuffed vegetables etc. Children, as well as men don’t usually like fish. Here, fantasy is also needed. Not just a piece of fish, but with an interesting sauce, or fish baked in an unusual way (in a bag or foil). This will be fun and make a useful menu to which you aspire.

You would have to cook longer

This is the only way to fully control the amount of consumed fat and calories. This of course will take more time, but your home will be delighted! Children always enjoy homemade cookies, including the cooking process, while men adore smells drifting from the kitchen. Homemade bread (from bread machine) smells wonderfully, so no one will notice that it is a healthy bread made from wholemeal and bran.

Gradually switch over to a home version of purchased products

We are talking about things like juices, cottage cheese, French fries. Your home will not notice much difference since they are used to drinking juices bought from supermarkets. Invest in a good juicer and offer home-made juices, they will definitely contain no dyes and preservatives. Do the same also with other usually purchased products. Replace them with home-made ones.

Visit the grocery store with the whole family

Let the kids and your husband see what products you choose, explain to them why you are buying these products. This is a great teaching moment. In the future you will not worry about your children’s health since they have learnt to choose healthy products.

Be a good example

Do not sigh that you are again giving up cakes. On the contrary, tell how good you have started feeling, say that you have lost weight, you sleep better, and so on. Then, everyone will copy your example by joining in this new and healthy diet.

Do not change the menu overnight

People do not like radical changes, this is stressful, and no one wants to part with habits especially when it comes to delicious meals. Therefore, show wisdom and patience and make a specified strategy for change of diet. Perform at least one item of the above mentioned per month – that’s enough.

Source of the image: Photl.