17 Home Remedies for Pregnancy Morning Sickness

During pregnancy, a woman has to restrict herself – many medications and certain products are contraindicated. Moreover, the first-trimester morning sickness sometimes completely spoils the joy of expecting the baby. What can you do?


  1. Mix warm water and honey and drink in the morning.
  2. Nibbling something is helpful. For example, carrots, apple, cabbage.
  3. You can regale yourself with homemade dried crusts.
  4. Cranberry water made ​​from natural sour grapes is so much helpful. You can add a little sugar, but it is better to have it sour.
  5. Ginger and lemon water is a perfect solution against morning sickness.
  6. Many women agree that ice cream helps a lot.
  7. Do not forget about sleeping – a pregnant woman should sleep much more than usually, especially when she suffers from morning sickness.
  8. Take chophytol – a dry extract of artichoke. It’s a completely natural product sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
  9. Sometimes a swimming pool can have a positive impact.
  10. Roasted unsalted sunflower seeds help against pregnancy morning sickness. However, do not overeat – it is a high-calorie product.
  11. Virgin Bloody Mary is a drink consisting of tomato and lemon juice. Do not add any salt to it.
  12. Citrus fruits – tangerines, oranges, red grapefruit, pomelo – have a good effect on the body. You can eat candied orange peels or make an infusion.
  13. Walking outdoors can help a lot. In summer, it is better to go out in the evening when the heat subsides, and in winter – on a sunny and not very frosty day. Moreover, a walk in the woods refreshes and reduces morning sickness best.
  14. Depending on the time you mostly suffer sickness, make up a timetable – walks, meals, exercise, sleep.
  15. Mint and mint tea have soothing properties.
  16. Apples and apple products help the body to function harmoniously.
  17. Fresh berries such as raspberries, blackberries, cranberries, blueberries, are not so easy to get in a cold season, but they will help a lot to overcome pregnancy sickness.

In any case, especially if the problem is very acute, it is necessary to consult with your doctor.