7 Most Frequent Causes for Bleeding during Pregnancy

When a pregnant woman has a sudden bleeding, it is always highly alarming, and the word danger is sure to cross the mind. Well, it mustn’t necessarily be a miscarriage, ladies, there are reasons and reasons for the woman’s body to bleed. And it’s not something special, either… Doctors say approximately 25% of women have pregnancy with bleeding, and in about 50% of such cases nothing goes wrong. So, before you begin to worry about it in earnest, better go and consult a doctor. Here’s a short list of possible causes for you to understand your situation better.


1. Implantation-caused bleeding

This kind of bleeding can manifest itself even before you know you are pregnant. What happens is when the fertilized egg descends into the uterus and the process of its implantation into the uterine wall, which is rich in nutrients, begins, it can result in a little bleeding, since the uterus holds a lot of blood. Sometimes it is so negligent that women miss it; in other cases it leaves light stains which can appear for several hours to a day or two.

2. Bleeding due to an ectopic pregnancy

At times the egg can move more randomly and implant itself not in the uterus but in some other place, which usually is the fallopian tube. It is known as an ectopic pregnancy and it occurs once for every 60 pregnancy cases. An ectopic pregnancy will be recognized by bad abdominal pains, heavy cramps, a decrease in the hCG pregnancy hormone, and, of course, bleeding. If acted on early enough, the outcome may be positive.

3. Miscarriage-caused bleeding

Many women are inclined to put down bleeding to miscarriage, which is absolutely wrong. Miscarriage means a sudden interruption of pregnancy that may happen within the first three months. Unfortunately, it’s quite a frequent occurrence, reaching up to 20% of the total amount of pregnancies. It causes bleeding thick with tissue, bad stomach cramps and related pains in the lower back. If you experience such symptoms, go consult the doctor immediately – and don’t blame yourself for something you may have done to trigger it off, it was some abnormality in the gestation process.

4. Hemorrhagic bleeding

Probably the most frequent reason for bleeding, an abnormality known as subchorionic hematoma, means that there has formed a pool of blood or blood clots between the uterine wall and the chorionic membrane. Doctors believe that it happens when the implanted egg gets semi-detached from the uterine wall. If the subchorionic hematoma is not massive, chances are it will resolve itself without doing any harm; but if it is large, it may cause miscarriage, placental abruption, and preterm labor.

5. The case of placenta previa

Placenta previa means that the placenta covers the cervix completely or partially during the last six months of pregnancy. Actually, it is supposed to move up as the pregnancy progresses and leave the cervix free, but if it doesn’t happen, the woman should be laid in a low position to restrain bleeding. Vaginal delivery may be accompanied by heavy bleeding to the harm of both the mom and the baby, so delivery is often done by C-section.

6. Bleeding caused by placental abruption

This condition is the gravest that can happen to a mom! Sometimes the placenta may get detached from the uterine wall, in part or completely, before or during labor. This can be the result of the age or a general medical condition, trauma, or substance abuse. It usually bodes drastic results for the mom (blood loss shock, blood clotting, kidney failure) and for the baby (oxygen depletion, early birth, and, at worst, stillbirth). Fortunately it occurs very seldom, and your doctor should be able to detect the symptoms of an abruption well in advance of an emergency.

7. A sensitive cervix

When the woman has a sensitive cervix – or it becomes more sensitive during pregnancy – any irritation can result in slight bleeding. It may follow a sexual intercourse, the use of tampons, or a pelvic exam. Avoid using tampons, but there is usually no objection against having sex when the woman is pregnant. But it should not be accompanied by bleeding, if it happens, get in touch with your doctor at once.

True, bleeding during pregnancy seems to be an ominous sign at once, and, while it ought to warrant an urgent consultation with your healthcare provider, you don’t have to worry overmuch or despair for the coming birth. Stay calm and get the medical lowdown, there is always hope!