Breath Problems in Infants Born via Cesarean Section

Premature babies, born via Cesarean section, may face the 30% higher risk of serious breath problems.

This was reported by the researchers from the School of Medicine at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore. Respiratory distress syndrome, which occurs primarily in premature infants and can lead to breathing problems, blindness and brain damage, is the most common in babies, born via Cesarean section. The researchers have analyzed the data associated with the premature birth of 2,560 children (25 to 34 weeks of pregnancy) in New York’s hospitals from 1995 to 2003. 54% of the births took place with the use of Cesarean section. Later, 30% of the infants had breath problems.

The head of the research, Eric Werner, comments on the results of the research of his group saying that he is acutely aware as a physician that the rate of cesarean section among modern women is growing every year. And the surgery is often carried out not for medical reasons. Werner also says that the use of Cesarean section for premature babies is not always justified, since it does not provide protection from adverse consequences. And this surgery is necessary only in extreme cases, when it comes to saving the lives of mothers and children.

Werner also stresses that future mothers should clearly understand that by agreeing to Cesarean section for aesthetic reasons or for fear of giving birth on their own, they risk the health of the child. This is a serious surgery, which may be associated with complications.