18 Percent of Girls in Preliminary School Use Mascara

You have probably heard the outrageous news from Britain about a 6-year-old girl going to school with makeup on. Well, don’t jump to conclusions until you know some more. Polls conducted in the US revealed 18 percent of girls aged between 8 and 12 regularly use mascara and 15 percent wear eyeliner and/or lipstick while two years earlier the percentage was at around 10 percent, which is quite high as it is. The worst thing is that this trend is on the rise.


If this trend continues, one third in a classroom will be wearing makeup on a daily basis five years from now. Now if someone believes there’s nothing wrong about an elementary schooler going to a classroom wearing smokey eyes or lipstick morally, there are some medical reasons against it.

One of the most hazardous things is that adult cosmetics contain phthalates that are detrimental to teenage development, particularly in the puberty period.

Source of the image: photl.com.