Healthy Gums Help Avoid Premature Labor

There has long been established an interrelation between gum diseases and a risk of premature birth – unhealthy gums are one of the factors that tip the scale to cause early labor. Untreated gum diseases were found to increase the risk of labor starting before due time by three times.

Healthy Gums

Gum infections make the body generate prostaglandin and tumor necrosis factor, the chemicals that induce labor; therefore the worse the infection the more chance there is of early inception of labor.
A recent report delivered at the annual conference of the American Association for Dental Research states that treating your gums in good time helps lower the risk. Successful treatment of gum infections provides for a better chance of pregnancy running its complete course.

Expectant mothers are urged to have their teeth and gums inspected and treated prior to giving birth.

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