Sleep Safety for Newborns: What You Need to Know

When you become a parent to a newborn, the world suddenly becomes a much more dangerous place. You suddenly see dangers where you never did before, on the stairs of your home, in the cabinet under the sink, and even in the room where your precious bundle lays her pretty head. Childproofing your home suddenly becomes your top concern and it should be. While childproofing your home, it’s important to think about the sleep safety of your newborn baby as well. With that in mind, read on below for a few of the top safety tips for sleep safety in newborns that you need to learn and follow for the safety of your bundle of joy and your own peace of mind.

Buy a New, Quality Mattress

While it may be tempting to buy a used crib for your newborn, and there is nothing wrong with this as long as it’s safe, it’s best to buy a crib mattress brand new. SIDS, Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, is a very real concern for new parents and it should be. Starting with a new quality mattress that meets all of the safety standards is a good beginning. Once you have a quality mattress installed in your baby’s crib, read on below for a few more tips on sleep safety.

Back Sleep is the Best Sleep

Putting your newborn to sleep on their back is not a suggestion. It’s a rule that every new parent should follow. You need to learn everything you can about back to sleep and then make sure that you tell any child care providers the same. Don’t just assume that everyone who is caring for your newborn knows that they should never put a newborn to sleep on their stomach, instead err on the side of caution by telling them and then explaining why if the need arises.

Blankets Aren’t Needed

While there are tons of gorgeous things for sale to expectant parents, from bumper pads to cozy blankets, those things do not belong in a crib. They are a real choking and smothering hazard. A baby can’t get the blanket or bumper pad away from their nose and could end up smothering if the blanket falls on top of them. There are warm newborn pajamas that will keep your little bundle of joy warm while they sleep, no blankets or needed and no decorations such as pillows and quilts are needed as well.

Share Your Room, Not Your Bed

Many parents put the baby’s crib in their own room until the baby moves into a toddler bed. However, that doesn’t mean that you should put your newborn in the bed with you. There has been evidence that having the baby in the same room as the parents reduces the risk of SIDS. Having your baby sleep in the bed with you is a no-no, however. Most of us have quilts, comforters, and tons of cozy pillows on our beds. On top of that, no matter how light of a sleeper you are, a baby can be smothered in an instant.

These are just a few of the sleep safety tips for newborns you need to follow with your precious bundle of joy. There are more out there, so please do your research and protect the most precious gift in your life.