Baby Formula Contains Aluminium

Baby formula contains 100 times more aluminium than breast milk, as established by researchers. Such metal content is dangerous for baby’s health.


Researchers from Keele University have tested baby formulas by the most famous brands in the UK, including Aptamil, Cow and Gate, and Hipp Organic. They found that the aluminum content in them was almost 100 times higher than in breast milk.

In accordance with European laws, the aluminium content in water should not exceed 200 micrograms per liter, but in some baby formulas it is 3 times higher. All in all, the researchers tested 30 different types of baby formulas sold in the country, including products for babies and older kids.

Professor Chris Exley, the author of the study, says we know a lot of about aluminium, but we know almost nothing about how it affects a baby’s health. People should have heard about the connection of aluminium and Alzheimer’s disease and other neurological conditions. We know that it affects bone formation. Aluminium can cause anemia in some people. But what is the short- and long-term impact of the metal on a baby remains unclear.

Scientists have not been able to figure out how such a great amount of metal gets into baby food. According to Professor Exley, its high time the government intruded and demanded the manufacturers to exclude aluminium from baby formula. And the study can be called one more argument in favor of breastfeeding.