How TV Makes Girls Eat More

American scientists have discovered that one of the factors that encourages the increased appetite and the appearance of excess weight among girls is the availability of television in their room.

Child watching TV

According to one of the leaders of a recent study, Professor Du Feng from the University of Western Texas, this is due to the fact that adolescent girls, who have a TV in their room, tend to spend in front of the screen much more time.

As a result, they have less active lifestyle and prefer watching their favorite TV shows rather than having some mobile activities. In addition, a TV-set, as noted by Dr. Feng, helps to increase the amount of fast food eaten by the participants of the expertiment. In total, during the experiment the scientists have observed 597 children aged 5 to 9 years and interviewed their parents. The experts have taken into consideration the information regarding sex, age, height and weight of the children, and their daily habits.

It has been discovered that 75% of children have a TV-set in their room, while 32% of boys and girls are either already overweight or facing a serious risk of obesity. So, these kids spend on average 3.5 hours per day watching TV, while others spend in front of the screen 2.58 hours per day. In addition, the children who have a TV-set in their room eat fewer fruits and vegetables, and the scientists point out that it is associated with the content of commercials that promote unhealthy lifestyles.

Source of the image: Sheknows.