Indian Government Intends to Control Surrogate Motherhood

The time is coming when India’s surrogate mothers will come more expensive and harder to get. The Indian government means to step in and take over control over the hiring procedure.

Pregnant woman

India, which can be justly called the world’s surrogate motherhood center, has been a mecca for American and European women who are unable to conceive for quite a while. This is mostly due to a much more moderate cost of Indian surrogate services. Arranged via local IVF clinics, these services (as well as gestational mothers’ terms and earnings) can differ to a significant extent, but the average prices make something like $25,000, which is a far cry from what they charge in the United States. But this state of things may not be for long.

Driven by a number of scandalous incidents over surrogacy and fertility issues, Indian officials are going to regulate the negotiations between families in need of a gestational mother, women who agree to bear children for them and IVF clinics.

It is reported that the new legislation stipulates the establishment of an official body that will take on processing all the transactions related to fertility and surrogacy services, thus excluding fertility clinics from participating in the arrangements.

Women who agree to lend their wombs will be subject to health-caring limits to their occupation. They won’t be allowed to go over five pregnancies in toto, and those over 35 years old will be downright prohibited to bear children for other people.

Another regulation demands that citizenship must be guaranteed for the child by the native country of would-be parents – which is bound to make things difficult for German citizens whose country doesn’t permit surrogacy.

Indian women are also going to feel the strain of the new legislative measures, for they have ample reasons to choose making their living by surrogacy. Compelled to act as other women’s substitutes by their dire economic situation, they often see no other way to make some money – except maybe selling some of their internal organs.

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