Kids’ Names Can Create Problems, Rose’s and Corey’s Parents Agree

A survey of 3,000 parents revealed a distinct correlation between the child’s name and his or her behavioral problems… although most of the parents are inclined to shrug it off.


The study commissioned by analyzed the names of the children involved and the rate of their behavior as estimated by the parents. The results are lists of youngsters’ names who show a strong tendency to act up.

In odd news little girls turned out to be a shade more boisterous than boys, the raisin’-Cain girl team comprising 58 per cent against 56 per cent boys given to tantrums.

The top five girls capable of making the biggest ruckus include Rose (the most powerful one, parents take care!), Sophia, Victoria, Faith and Isabel. The spelling is of paramount importance – another discovery made during the analysis – so if the parents go for the alternative spelling with an “o” they land the child onto another list, those with exemplary behavior, where Isobels occupy the fourth line.

The five names that take the places from 6 to 10 are Tilly, Brooke, Maisie, Lily and Georgia, with Lily’s variant spelled with a double “l” dropping far down on the list.

As for boys, Corey was found to be the unruliest of all with Jay, Bailey, Kyle and Kian following close behind.

Harrison, Mason, Reece, Robert (what if he is invariably called Bob?) and Connor making up the lower half of the list.

A spokesperson for commented: “It’s certainly surprising to think that a child’s name may influence their temperament.”

Source of the image: Photl.