Little Girls Turn Into Sex Objects

Experts raise the alarm: children are turning into sex objects at preschool age. By age six, girls need branded clothes, at seven they want their hair styled, at eight they start dieting, and by eleven they engage in sexual contacts or sexually explicit conversations.


Moreover, The Daily Telegraph found bras for 2-and-3 year olds on sale at a major department store, infuriating parents.

According to professor Louise Newman, this worrying trend is bringing about serious psychological implications. Some children suffer from clinical depression because they feel they are not good enough to be popular. Girls are afraid of not being able to get a boyfriend and have started defining themselves as a sexual object. Dr Newman said that girls had always played dress ups in their mothers’ clothes but this trend was different. He proceeds that new generation is being exposed to adult concepts in an unprecedented way and at the age when they are not ready to comprehend these concepts. Children lack self-confidence. They feel they do not live up to these concepts, making them think that they are worse than their peers. Depression and anxiety among children is on an unprecedented rise.

Child advocate Julie Gale startled to find bras for the three year olds on sale at one of Target stores. In its defense, Target spokesperson said that it was up to parents whether to buy the bras.

Mother of three young children Luisa Franco said that she was shocked at how children are being turned into sex objects at such an early age. Franco’s six-year-old daughter showed her a tiny bra, asking the mother to buy it for her. Ms Franco said she wouldn’t let her child wear a bra at this age. Her husband John Valastro said marketing people are robbing children of their childhood. He said children were growing up much too fast now because there were so many things available to them to turn them into “mini-adults”. He is horrified by all stuff available to children now, bras, cosmetics. They see these things at school and come home and tell “such and such wears this or has that”. But they are just kids!

And how do you think, are our children really growing up MUCH TOO fast or parents forgot what they were like as kids and how they wanted to grow up fast and are just painting the devil blacker than he is?

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