Parents Don’t Have Enough Time to Play with Their Children

Lonely ChildAccording to a recent British poll, only one out of four parents spends enough time, playing with their kids. Children and their parents said commitments and pressures of modern life get in the way of spending time together, which makes them unhappy. Only one out of four parents has enough time to play with their children, according to researchers from Play England who conducted the poll.

Half of parents also said that there are not enough places where children could safely have fun. Every other parent blamed his or her job for robbing them of time for playing with children.

Adrian Voce argues that games are crucial for the health of children as well as for their mental and cognitive development. What’s more important is that playing games is fundamental for enjoying childhood. Voce warns against turning a blind eye on the problem. He urges parents to try to engage in playing with their children enthusiastically.

The poll asked over 1000 parents. 72% admitted they wish to spend more time with their children. Experts also discovered that children have difficulties finding time for fun. Their free time is devoured by sizable homework and additional learning programs. About one third (34%) of kids and a quarter of seven-eight year olds said they couldn’t play because of their homework. Children revealed the lack of playing made them sad, miss their friends and unhappy.

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