12 Motherhood Truths Mothers Never Tell First-Time Pregnant Women

Some of the women I know are going to become first-time mothers within the next half-year, and I fully share their excitement over it. Yet there are some things I’m not going to blurt out, for it’s not kind to burden new moms who have just given birth and are still coping with multiple changes in their bodies with some not-quite-so-pleasant truths about having a baby in the house. Still, there is the possibility that without knowing some underside facts women will be hurt as they see the sweet motherhood myth collapsing about them. I, for one, would have fared better if someone had put in a warning word. It may be as well to come clean about it.


To my mind, these things had better be known and taken into account well before the great event.

1. The Truth about Labor

As you go into labor and then delivery begins, you have no control over these, no matter how much preparation you have put in. Attend classes, but reject the belief that everything will go off like they describe. There can intrude all kinds of unforeseeable circumstances like preeclampsia, sudden changes in the baby’s heart function, or the baby coming the wrong way out. You want things to go smooth and finally wind down after what you’ve been through, but there can be further problems. Don’t get flustered, to get the baby safely out is the main thing.


2. Don’t expect to be up to the mark with the laundry

Things to be washed will be piling up oh so quickly. You’ve got to realize that you won’t be able to cope for some time to come. And it goes to dishes, too, at least when you start using bottles in earnest.

3. Classes Don’t Help a Lot

Classes, tips and advice give out the impression that you can handle everything, but actually there are quite a few situations that have no efficient solutions to them. You were led to believe that you are in complete control, but then it gradually dawns on you that you aren’t, and it can be very depressing. Even putting the baby to sleep can become an unsurmountable issue.

4. Having a Baby Is Not Always a Joy

Again, you are fed the idea that you are joined to your baby with a special kind of psychic bond that allows for intuitive interaction. It is more or less true, but that doesn’t preclude hard times – you are too weary to take things in properly, the baby is tired and angry and acts up, also, you’ve got to keep in mind that they’re too young to act on the calls of this bond as they should, they still have to grasp the ability.


While others may be gushing about the joy of giving life and having a baby, you may not feel it this way at all – and be furious with yourself over it. Here’s another important thing to live down, it’s perfectly natural to be feeling it time and again.

5. There Will Be Lots of Arguments

Your relationship with your partner may give in and cracks will keep coming up – so much you will start believing things will never get the same again.

6. Mess in Everything

Your body, your routine, your home are in a mess, it’s extremely hard to believe you will ever get back to normal.

7. You WILL Need Help

When others clock in to help, you may be so fuzzy as to be unable to allot tasks. Here are some tips you can fall back on:

  • deal with laundry
  • do shopping for food
  • wash up in the kitchen
  • walk the dog
  • cook food
  • get some toilet paper and clean napkins
  • watch over the baby while you take a break or a nap


8. Sometimes You will Feel Desperate

Sometimes you will want to break free from it all and never go back.

9. You’ll Be Tired all the Time

Tiredness will get the better of you so that you can’t focus on what you need or want. You feel forsaken when you are alone and feel overwhelmed when there are people around, so you don’t know what you want and you break out crying. It may occur that you cry regularly.

10. You Will Look Older

Your facial expression has altered, you don’t look so good as you used to, and even look older. Although you should believe that it may become you.



11. Shaking a Baby Won’t Seem a Crime Anymore

You were astonished how women find it in them to shake their babies. It will grow on you too, no matter how bad you believe it to be… But, please, never do it!

12. You Will Be Happy Some Day

The kind of parental happiness you’ve been told about will be coming on further down the line, don’t wait for it to set in in the first days of motherhood, and it will be like nothing you imagined. You will see all the preconceived ideas fall off and generate your own kind of happiness and bonding. So, you’ll succeed in the end, remember it and be ready for it.
