7 Tips on How to Give Kids Chores

How to make kids do anything around the house? Follow these tips.


1. Keep a list of chores

It is advisable for every family to have clearly cut (and age appropriate) household chores as registered on a list. The list should be hung up in a place where the members of the family often stay so it will be acting as a reminder.

The list had better be often renewed to show that it is active; furthermore, the child’s responsibilities can alter as he or she grows up or depending on the season. If you have more than one child, mind that there are chores that can be delegated to all the children, like clearing away the dinner table or maintaining order in their rooms. It is also a good idea to shift chores between siblings from time to time.

2. Chores must be rewarded

If the child/children want something, it can be promised to them for doing extra or taking on mother’s chores, better still if they are saving money. Let them work more for payment, including taking care of the younger siblings.


3. The necessity of doing chores must be explained

It is a good reason to have a close conversation with your child, explaining and inspiring him or her to take an appropriate part in the life of the family. The choice between staying idle and being a helper should be accentuated. Of course, en excellent performance of the child’s duties should be rewarded.

4. Remember not to overburden your child

Children have a lot of homework that should be their priority. You want them to grow up helpers, but you may end up bringing about a conflict of interests and make the little one resent having extra responsibilities. Time their chores carefully. An over-the-weekend cleaning ought to be expected, shared by all the members of the family.


5. Punish the Kids for Not Doing the Chores

Failure to do the set chores should be punished – and the child must realize it. Possible consequences of his or her failure ought to be explained to the child, and the parent will have to follow up on the claimed consequences. It may not be easy to take away the child’s belongings that had not been put to order as garbage, but it may be worth your while when the child begins to heed your instructions.

6. Never relieve the kids of their responsibilities

If you have a cleaning person coming in, give him or her instructions not to clean up for the children; they should understand it is their chore, and nobody else’s. Their rooms and beds are on them alone.


7. Explain Why Doing the Chores Is Important

The child must feel the intrinsic value of participating in the household chores. Whatever it is he or she does to help, it goes to make family bonds stronger. Responsibility is a value as it draws people together, makes them close, and the child will learn it eventually.