Why Is My Kid Aggressive?
Child aggression is at least fifty percent conditioned by genetics, according to experts from the University of Montreal and Sainte-Justine Hospital, as Medical News Today reports.
Genetic component
Genetics could quite convincingly prove that a child’s aggressive behavior is linked to genes. In fact, the external influence of the environment, role modeling cannot be excluded either, but a major role is given to genetics.
Time factor
As a rule, a child’s aggressive behavior is especially evident in the range from two to four years. Experts conducted a study of behavior and genome in 667 pairs of twins. Along with this, the children’s parents were asked to assess the extent of children’s physical aggression when the twins reached the age of twenty, thirty-two, and fifty months.
Results of the study
It turned out that physical aggression showed at an early age. However, the indicators of physical aggression and initial frequency of the episodes depended directly on genetic and environmental factors. Experts believe that the influence of genes makes approximately fifty percent.
What can you do with your kid’s aggression?
Many kids, fortunately, outgrow this problem successfully. Eventually, most of them learn to cope with aggressive manifestations, so the situation is not as serious as it may seem at first glance.