Fergie Pregnant?

Once again, there have appeared a lot of rumors in the press that singer Fergie is pregnant. The rumors are motivated by the celebrity’s oversize and loose outfits. It is in such clothes that Fergie appears more and more often these days, and in fact, she usually prefers more fitting clothes.


It is easy to notice that Fergie is hiding her extra pounds under voluminous dresses. They and even the star’s age (the singer is about 38 years old) make the journalists discuss her possible pregnancy more often.

Fergie in loose clothes

Paying no attention to all the speculations, the singer denies the rumors. She says that each time she gains weight, she is asked about her possible being pregnant. But as soon as she loses weight, all the rumors disappear. The singer confesses she really wants and plans to have a baby, but the time has not come yet.



Whatever the truth is, we can just wish Fergie to bring her desire to life for the press to finally be able to report the official news. But what if the singer is denying all the rumours because she wants to conceal this fact so far?