Gwyneth Paltrow Tells How She Lost Her Third Baby

She has never spoken about it to anybody, but now, the time must have come for Gwyneth to share such intimate information about herself with the fans. Gwyneth had a very big and frank interview with the You magazine.


Gwyneth had a miscarriage. However, the age of the actress’ fetus was not disclosed. 40-year-old actress admitted that she still wanted to have another child very much. Unfortunately, it is almost impossible now. The miscarriage was very heavy, and Gwyneth said that she had “almost died”. Now, the actress seems to have a lot of fears about a new pregnancy.

Paltrow already has two children: eight-year daughter Apple and son Moses, who will be seven years old next month. Gwyneth says her kids are always asking her about a brother or a sister. She admits that she, too, feels she wants to have a third child very much.

Gwyneth’s miscarriage occurred last year, when the actress was ready to mark her 40th anniversary. The journalists have not even noticed any changes in Paltrow’s life. Now, the media report that Gwyneth is getting only prettier and younger with age. Her pictures without makeup seem amazing to her fans: she does not change! Maybe, she will still be able to become a mother for the third time?