How Pregnant Jewel Stays in Shape

As is officially known since Tuesday, Jewel and her husband, nine-time world champion rodeo cowboy Ty Murray have a child on the way. The couple has behind them two years of marriage and ten more years of living together. They reside on a 2,200 acre ranch in Texas.


Jewel, 36, is well into her second trimester, but you wouldn’t tell it by her figure, the singer is in perfect shape. Is it because she keeps working out? She does a lot of that, as the four-time Grammy winner shared with UsMagazine at a Television Critics’ Association event in Pasadena, Calif. last Thursday. She does her cardio exercises and running with several cowboy friends regularly, not to mention going to the gym.

She means to keep it up until the last moment, the only rule being to stop when she feels tired. Besides occasional spells of tiredness, Jewel says she feels “good.”

The pregnancy news was a little shock at first because it was the beginning of her work on the show, but now the cowboy duo are “very excited” with their new status and are looking forward to the birth. According to the singer, they are on excellent terms with each other and the rodeo champ is ready to accept the new responsibilities.

The Sweet and Wild artist hasn’t arrived at the stage of special cravings yet, and her 2009 Lullaby album set her “in the zone” for singing songs to the coming baby.

Source of the image: Sltrib.