Katy Perry Hints at Pregnancy

Katy Perry’s life is changing fast what with her new engagement ring, a new look of utter happiness on her face and her fiancé Russell Brand ever on her arm! That would be enough for every woman… But Kate may spring us another surprise soon!

Katy Perry

It is her twitter messages that can be rousing rumors of her being pregnant. The New Year Day one was: “Let me tell you 2010 is BUMPIN!”

And eight days later we could read: “Hey @rustyrockets – i heard ur prego-ed. I WANT IN AND OUT. I love you … (awwwww barf!).”

Can Katy, 24, be hinting at pregnancy, another bond between her and Russell? Or is it just playing around with wishes and ideas? Her and Russell’s reps refuse to spill the beans for the time being.

Source of the image: blogs.mercurynews.com.