Kim Kardashian Is Ready for Children

Kim Kardashian is not the one to wait for long! Almost as soon as her wedding bells have rung, she wants a bun in the oven. A friend of the family, Lisa Gastineau, spilled to Us Weekly that the fresh-from-the-church wife is already thinking about becoming a mother.

 Kim Kardashian

“And her mom wants her to have babies quick,” added Gastineau on Saturday when interviewed at Perez Hilton’s “One Night in Los Angeles” presented in Hollywood by CARRERA.

Can you imagine Kim Kardashian, 30, all wrapped up in a baby and rushing about the house with diapers in hand? Gastineau can. She is sure her friend will make an excellent mom being a “very nurturing” person.

Besides, she is going to get lots of help from her man! Kris Humphries, 26, adores his wife and is the family type, according to Gastineau. He can show his adoration and, on the other hand, he can hold his ground with her, so it’s fun seeing them getting along. Watching them together makes their friend wish that every girl had a man who would be as fond of her as Humphries is of his wife.

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