No Expense Stinted on Tom Cruise’s Suri’s Clothes

Suri Cruise at her age of 4 may well be one of the best-dressed girls alive, what with her illustrious father agreeing to everything she may want, whether it is Ferragamo bags for $850 or dresses for over $500. If Suri wears lip gloss, it is Chanel.

Suri Cruise

Interviewed Friday on Oprah Winfrey Show, Tom Cruise, 47, assured Oprah Winfrey that Suri will know no denying as regards dresses and accessories. Furthermore, the father relies on his daughter’s taste so much that he takes her advice on his own wardrobe now and then! “She’s got great taste too. She tells me what to wear.”

Cruise further expressed his satisfaction with life and his affection for his wife Katie Holmes. He said he regarded himself to be “happy” and “lucky”.

Meanwhile his children by ex-wife Nicole Kidman – Connor, 15, and Bella, 17, are well into the dating age.

“Bella has a very strong sense of herself…She’s a good girl, so whoever she likes, it’s cool,” comments her dad.

Connor seems to be “pretty smart” too both in his artistic aspirations and romancing, although Cruise keeps reminding him that everything is yet to come!

Cruise’s new film with Cameron Diaz, Knight and Day, will be on June 25, but while his career is marching on, the A-listing actor says that fatherhood comes first with him.

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