Pregnant Beyonce Can’t Stand Jay-Z’s Smell

Beyonce, who has recently announced her pregnancy on one of the award ceremonies, has admitted that she cannot bear the smell of her rapper husband, Jay Z.

Beyonce - pregnancy

Apparently, the singer’s smell has changed dramatically. In one of the interviews, the famous singer has admitted that she perceives all the smells. This is especially true of her husband. If suddenly he smells bad, Beyonce gets almost hysterical. Moreover, the celebrity no longer bears the smells of some perfumes, which her husband used to enjoy.

The celebrity couple remains enthusiastic about the fact that they are getting ready to become parents in the nearest future. They expect a girl to be born. Beyonce has already ordered pink bootees. Beyonce admitted that she had always known she would get pregnant at that age. However, the performer is in no hurry to leave the scene. Moreover, she has a lot of ideas that she wants to bring to life. The lady confesses that this is a great happiness to feel how a new life is growing inside. According to her, it is an unforgettable sensation.

Beyonce will be working till the last possible moment. The singer admits that she does not intend to take a maternity leave. She hopes to launch her own label soon. In addition, her plans include collecting a new team. According to her, it must be a boyband. Beyonce will personally conduct the audition and select the participants for her project. In addition, the performer is working on a new album, continuing to write songs. Beyonce also plans to use her talent of clip making to help other performers make videos.

Source of the image: Fashiontonights.