6 Best Foods for Pregnant Women

Pregnancy is the time when what you eat matters most, and many factors in the development of the fetus are determined by your diet. While you may be letting your mind wander towards thinking of treating yourself to pastry or sweets, what your body really needs is protein and calcium that will participate in building the baby’s bones and tissues, iron that provides the oxygen flow to the baby via red blood cells, and frolic acid that offers protection to the neutral tube in case of any defects arising.


So the best bet is stay with healthy food and ensure the body’s smooth functioning, the most wholesome foods for your baby being:

1. Whole-grain foods

Whole-grain cereals and kinds of bread are usually enriched with greater content of iron and frolic acid, and exceed white bread and rice in fiber content. So it’s a good idea to make your sandwiches with whole-grain bread, use whole-wheat pasta instead of ordinary kinds of pasta and make nice healthy oatmeal breakfasts for yourself.

2. Beans

All kinds of beans are rich in protein and fiber, black or white beans, kidney or soy beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, garbanzo and pinto beans. They are practically packed with important nutrients such as iron, calcium, zinc, folate. Your soups and salads will gain in taste by adding beans; you can also make bean chili and eat beans with pasta.

3. Salmon

Salmon is preferable to any other kind of fish due to its rich supply of B vitamins, protein and especially omega 3 fat acids that will make the baby’s brain and eyes better. Also, salmon is a low-mercury fish, which is also important. A weekly intake of about 10 ounces of salmon, broiled, grilled or in a salad, is highly advisable.

4. Eggs

Eggs, unless eaten undercooked or raw, make an excellent part of your diet, being a veritable treasure of different vitamins and minerals, protein, and especially amino acids, so helpful in the period of pregnancy in particular. Choline found in eggs will assist in the fetus’s brain development.

5. Berries

Berries are an excellent source of vitamins, fiber, folate and potassium, and will taste just fine with cereals; they will make marvelous and various desserts and snacks, enriching your diet.

6. Yoghurt

Yoghurt will always come in fine, provided that it’s not flavored by sugar-containing additives. Choose low-fat yoghurt that is a great source of calcium and protein. It can make a delicious dressing to your dishes or go well with fruits and berries.