No Meat for Pregnant Women

Recent studies have shown that pesticides, which get into the body of a pregnant woman may threaten not only her health but the health of the child as well.

Raw meat

According to the experts, these substances are found mainly in genetically modified crops and can substantially harm the health of pregnant women and their future children.

The study was conducted by the scientists from the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of Sherbrooke. The experts have taken tests of dozens of women to see what can badly affect the health of mothers and babies. The traces of toxic substances were found in more than 93% of pregnant women and 80% of yet unborn babies. The studies indicate the presence of the chemicals in a woman’s body, which get there due to such food as meat, eggs, milk and other products of farm animals which are fed with genetically modified crops.

The results of the study, according to the scientists, show the danger of producing genetically modified products, even though the manufacturers believe that no potentially harmful and dangerous chemicals can harm the health of a woman. It has been proved today that these chemicals can cause allergic reactions and lead to the most terrible consequences such as abortion or even cancer.

Source of the image: Photl.