School Children Diet Tips

A school child’s diet, as nutritionists recommend, should not contain spicy or salty foods or too many sweets. In the beginning of the school year, you should study the menu offered to your child at school and always remember that not only the school staff but also parents can be involved in the nutrition of schoolchildren. In case of any claims, immediately contact the school administration and insists on resolving disputes.


A schoolchild’s menu: nutritionists’ tips

Particular care should be taken by the parents whose children suffer from diseases requiring special nutrition, such as diabetes mellitus, diseases of the digestive organs, allergies.

Problems with the gastrointestinal tract in schoolchildren

At school, children most often have dinner, and breakfast and supper – at home. According to experts, about half of the cases of gastrointestinal disease in children are associated with malnutrition at home. Make sure your child eats properly and gets all the necessary vitamins and nutrients for his/her growing body.

Do not give children sweets to school

Plan what to give the child for “breakfast” at school. These should not be cream-filled pastries, as they require certain conditions of storage. After eating a spoiled cake, the child may be taken to a hospital with severe poisoning. Besides, everyone knows that the consumption of sweets is very harmful for teeth and is one of the main causes for childhood obesity.

What should a schoolchild eat?

Below are the foods recommended by nutritionists for school and home menu:

  • lean meat;
  • lean fish;
  • milk and milk products;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • cereals and products of hybrid corn and beans.

What shouldn’t you give to the child?

At the same time, the child’s diet should exclude the following products:
canned meat and fish;
pickled foods;
smoked foods;
confectionery products with a high content of hydrogenated fats or trans-fats;
flour products;

Check the school food

Check the school canteen carefully: meat and fish products can be defrosted and frozen repeatedly, meals can be heated several times a day. Then, having considered the school canteen, think: maybe it is better if the child takes lunch from home?

Nutritionists believe that there are no 100% harmful foods for a child. The important thing is how much and how often your child eats: even chips are not particularly harmful, if you eat them once a week, but not every day.