Egg Freezing Inefficient

British private clinics for infertility treatment have reported the influx of women who wish to freeze their eggs and postpone having children to some later time. Experts believe that these ladies are too optimistic because the technology provides very little chance of success.


For example, 253 attempts to conceive and bear a child using a frozen egg were made in these clinics from 1991 to 2012, but as a result of all these attempts a total of 21 babies have been born. Thus, the success rate is estimated at only 8%, while the egg freezing service in clinics costs from 5,000 to 8,000 pounds.

Either the local ladies know nothing about it, or they believe they will certainly fall into those very happy 8%, but according to official statistics, 2,262 females froze their eggs over the same period. The experts believe that the desire of private clinics to conduct these procedures seems to be quite reasonable. These clinics are oriented on the profit rather than on the final result.

According to Professor of obstetrics and gynecology at King’s College London, Susan Bewley, this is an industry aimed at a profit and marked by the correct advertising and numerous stories of happy moms who were able to give birth after freezing. As in many other IVF technologies, the reality is far from the one presented while advertising. Of course, egg freezing technology may seem extremely comfortable, highly scientific and advanced to you, but there are some scientific facts on the biology of your body that do not change. At the age of 40 years, your chances of getting pregnant with IVF for the first time are about the same as when trying to conceive a baby in a natural way – that is extremely small. As for egg freezing, it is still an experimental technology.