Infertility Treatment and Conception Tips

Infertility is the reason for emotional suffering for a surprisingly huge number of men and women. It is a nightmare for a man tormented with infertility to see his wife go into baby obsession mode expecting to conceive each time they have sex.

Man and woman

There can be many issues created by infertility and some of them are:

  • The emotional agony of not conceiving month after month.
  • Tests to figure out the possible problems.
  • Finding the right option that may aid in conception.
  • The outrageous expense of choosing the medical process of conceiving.

Things to do for the Man Wanting to Conceive

You should convince him that the test is not a struggle to prove his masculinity, but an easy process of sperm donation. A fertility test is actually useful, because it will push away all the emotional troubles and find any possible problems. You should make him understand clearly that the test will speed up your conception process and make you feel much better.

The Sperm Test

The test is indeed nothing to be stressed about. It is very easy, and he may even be allowed to collect his sample at the convenience of your home. If it’s not allowed, then he will be asked to go to a private room and deposit his sample; he will even have access to “appropriate pictures” to help him. Of course, it might feel awkward when he will give over the transparent plastic cup filled with his seeds for future generations, but you will soon laugh it away with friends.

The day of the results is perhaps the toughest at day, especially the part of coping with the outcome. The results depend on two things – the shape and size of the sperm (also called morphology) and their ability to swim (also called mobility).

The Sperm Quality

A sad but unexplainable fact is that men’s sperm has degraded in quality over the last few decades (mobile phones are one of the suspects), so an increasingly number of people have to hear that their sperm are no Michael Phelps. These tragic comments are indeed a punch to the self respect of a man, so it is your duty to be very considerate with him, just like you can expect him to be considerate with you if it was the other way around.

Ask for Medical Help in Case of Male Infertility

But most men don’t have to fear anymore, because modern medical achievements have made it possible to turn even the worst swimmers effective. Their progeny can continue due to the blessings of artificial insemination, fertility drugs and IVF. You should explain all your possible options and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each one. You should unanimously agree on an option and advance.

How to Cope with Male Infertility

The most difficult issue of male infertility is finding a way to alleviate the desperation of their partners for not being able to get pregnant. If a woman decides that they want a baby, they usually become very obsessed with it. This obsession is not easily comprehensible by a man, but this is simply a matter of hormones.

Suggestions for the Would-be Pregnant Woman

Take it easy, because conception can take a while. On average, mid to late 20’s old woman can take up to 4 cycles; the numbers increase with age. If you panic in front of him, then this will only pressurize your man and stress him.

Have Fun While Having Sex

Don’t let your desperation ruin the fun of making a baby.

Seek for Medical Help Together

Visit the doctor together in case you are worried about not becoming pregnant. Decide together if you think testing is required or not.

Ask Other Parents for Advice

Seek advice from friends with kids and ask them what worked for them; convince your man to do the same with you.

Never Pressurize!

There are tons of stories out there that say how a couple gave up after years of trying to have a baby and then finally got pregnant. Statistically it seems that pressure has an effect on your chances of becoming pregnant. So take it easy and find ways to relax.

Think about your fertility

It’s better to decide beforehand what to do if things don’t go according to plan. So talk about the chances of fertility and your possible actions.

Support Each Other

The journey of pregnancy to birth to parenting is an adventure that relies heavily on communication, emotional support and consideration. Infertility is like an assassin as bad as miscarriage, and this causes lots of emotional misery.

Source of the image: Photl.