Ovulation Tips and Information on Becoming Pregnant

Ovulation is a process when an egg or sometimes more than one egg is freed from the ovary. This is the most fertile time in relation to your menstrual cycle. This process takes place every month when an egg gets matured in the ovary. The egg becomes of a particular size, and moves into the fallopian tube on the way to the uterus. You cannot determine as to which ovary releases the egg and the process of ovulation does not automatically take turns among ovaries every cycle.


How does ovulation decide at what time I can get pregnant?

The life of an egg after ovulation is just 24 hours. For any woman to get successfully pregnant, she should try to have a sexual intercourse during the time that ranges from one to two days before the process of ovulation and just 24 hours after ovulation. The major reason behind this is that the life of a sperm is two or three days inside a woman’s body. If during this period fertilization takes place the egg is going to survive.

Having sexual intercourse during the time of ovulation, increases the possibilities for a woman to get pregnant. In case of fertile couples, the chances for a woman to get pregnant increase by 20% in each cycle. Women who would not use any type of birth control pills have more chances to become pregnant anytime in a year. You can determine the process of ovulation, by simply observing the changes in your body that occur every month. You can even use this understanding in avoiding sexual intercourse when you are close to the time of ovulation. On the other hand, this type of method for birth control and certainly fail at times.

How can I know when I’m ovulating?

You should calculate 12 to 16 days before your next periods are about to happen. This will allow you to notice as to when you will be ovulating. For many women who undergo a 28 day cycle experience day 14 as their day of ovulation. To understand this, you should know as how long your cycle lasts.

The most efficient way to know when your body will be the most fertile is to keep your mind on the changes that occur in your body and trying to notice these symptoms that ovulation is about to take place.

Transformation in cervical mucus

As your cycle moves ahead, you will notice the change and volume of your cervical mucus. This change is a sign of the estrogen levels rising in the body. You will be known to be the most fertile when the mucus becomes translucent, smooth and elastic. The mucus looks almost like raw egg whites.

Usually, the mucus acts as a shielding obstacle, however during the time of ovulation, this permits the sperm to pass from your cervix to the uterus and finally to the fallopian tubes for meeting the egg.

A rise in body temperature

You can determine your body temperature to rise by 0.4 to 1.0 degrees and at times you will not notice the temperature shift. However, you can determine this by using and basal body thermometer (BBT). The rise in your body temperature is a sign that you are ovulating. This happens when there is takes place the creation a hormone called progesterone during the process of egg releasing from the ovary.

You will be the most fertile at least two or three days before your body temperature reaches the peak. A lot many medical studies claim that you also get an advantage of an additional 12 to 24 hour passage of fertility after you take notice of the body temperature rising.

A lot many experts recommend that you should take a note down of your body temperature rising each morning for a few months to know the pattern of your ovulation date. This will help you to plan on with your partner as to when you should have sex to conceive.

Lower abdominal ache

Almost 1/5th of the women can really get the sensations of the activity of ovulation that ranges from mild pains to cramp. This condition is called mittelschmerz and can last for a couple of minutes or a few hours.

How does an ovulation predictor kit function?

Ovulation predictor kits are easily available without any prescriptions at drug stores and grocery stores. The function of this kit is to detect the flow of luteinizing hormone (LH) in your urine which is present just before ovulation. The ovulation predictor is much easier to use and more precise as compared to the BBT. These can calculate ovulation almost 12 to 36 hours before hand to take full advantage of your probability of conception in the very first month of your use itself.

Again they are not perfect. Sometimes false LH flows can happen earlier than the actual one that takes place before ovulation. Sometimes they are able to take notice of LH positively or negatively, however, they cannot perfectly determine whether you will be ovulating or not. LH has also got chances to flow even before the egg is released.

To obtain maximum exactness, follow the directions in the kit. If the instructions request you to test the first urine of the day, you should rather opt for the second urine test. Sometimes urine gets concentrated during the night and can come up with false results of “positive”.

You must start calculating your cycle on the first day when your periods begin. If you possess a 28 days cycle, you should start using the test from the 11th day and continue using it for 6 days. Or sometimes the ovulation kit manufacturer would ask you to continue the test for a certain number of days, so you should follow that. If you have a cycle between 27 and 34 days, the range of your ovulation could be somewhere in between of day 13 till day 20.

The best ways to begin and start testing is on the 11th day and continue till the 20th. If you have an irregular cycle, this is not the most suitable way for you to detect your time of ovulation. This is because the kits range between $20 to $50 that only allows you 5 or 9 days of tests. This process might lead you to buy more ovulation kits in a month.

Source of the image: Herdaily.