Perfect Time for Getting Pregnant

Although Steve Martin fathered a child when he was 67 showing that if you want it you can have children well into your mature years, one assumes it’s not quite the best age for conception. And what age is?


26 Is the Perfect Age for Getting Pregnant

A recent poll of parents conducted in Britain revealed that the Brits believe 26 is the most appropriate time to start a family. Does it seem a bit early? Well, over 30% of the polled said that if they have their first child early, they have more time for begetting further children should they decide on a bigger family.

Contact with Children

20% believe that if they have children in mid-twenties they will be able to maintain a better contact with them, while 25% were just not sure that they would be able to conceive quickly, so they would rather start earlier.

Besides age, things to be considered when you start to think of having kids are marriage and a house of your own, the survey showed. Also, 60% would-be parents settle for a collective wage of around £25,000 that will enable them to feel sure about it.

The survey was carried out by the Seven Seas Pregnancy whitepaper that claimed to be quite surprised with the results, having expected to come up with a later perfect age, starting from late twenties and even something like thirty plus.

Children after Career

The paper’s contributor clinical psychologist Claire Halsey pointed out in her comment that “contrary to popular belief younger women are planning a family after just a few years of working rather than waiting to establish a career, going travelling or spending time on hobbies.” It may be due to the influence of the recession, Halsey thinks, that women are ready to leave off their career prospects until a later date and focus on the family instead.

In addition, 2,000 adults who have no children were asked about their plans to beget kids. These showed their inclination to have children a bit later, naming 28 as the average perfect age (although 5% dropped out telling they don’t want to have children at all).

As many as 65% of the polled place their careers first wanting to acquire a stable position before they get round to having kids, yet, all things considered, most people agree they will have a child before they get on the wrong side of 30.

Marriage, Home & Getting Pregnant

Apart from settling the issues with marriage and a place to live in, half of the participants opted for drawing a wage they deem sufficient, and a little less than a half just said they need to feel secure about their jobs.

Earning Money before Getting Pregnant

40% put in a stipulation about having a sum of money saved on a bank account, with 60% choosing to begin laying off money against the birth for several months in advance. 26% went for fun, saying they would like to go on plenty of holidays before they settle down to start a family.

Getting Ready for Pregnancy

Government recommendations seem to go unheeded, for it emerged that 85% of pregnant women and moms omitted to take a conception supplement rich in folic acid, omega-3 and vitamin D; of childless women, only about 20% were thinking of bolstering themselves with supplements and vitamins.

Getting Healthier

Shifting to a healthier lifestyle proved not a very popular idea, with less than 50% of those meaning to have children admitting to taking to healthier meals and about 25% intending to drop weight and get down to exercising.

Of 60% of childless women who wanted to conceive 10% gave up smoking and 23% took care to eat wholesome food and go easy on alcohol.

20% of women who already have children owned up to having been worried if their health was good enough to allow for a successful birth when the subject of children had come up.