6 Tips for Moms to Save Time on Gym Workouts

Most moms are so busy that they have just no time for fitness. At the same time most moms do need some physical activity, which can often be seen from their bodies unfortunately. But if you still decided to attend a gym and lose some weight, here’s how to save time at the gym, so that after you have enough time for the household chores and children.


Be Prepared for the Gym

Make a playlist for your exercises, pack everything you need (a water bottle, earbuds, a towel – whatever) in advance. In this case you may start exercising as soon as you enter the gym and waste no time.

Choose the Classes & Machines You Enjoy

Even if you know how cool yoga is when building a perfect body, but don’t really enjoy stretching and strengthening, it won’t bring you anything. Opt for the workout kind making you happy – and you’ll have the half work done.

Avoid Rush Hours

If you don’t want to wait for a long time for the machine you want to exercise at, attend the gym only outside the peak hours. It will make your exercising least stressful.

Make All Your Muscle Work at Once

If the kind of exercise or gym machine enables working out for a number of muscles instead of just one, you’ll certainly save time on it. A good example is to make crunches using a medicine ball.

Rush to the Shower after the Workout

Another recommendation on spending less, but more effective time in the gym would be taking the towel and other bath stuff with you to the group exercise class. After it’s over you may rush to the shower as the first one and will avoid waiting in lines.

Take Kids with You

Choose only such gyms where they have babysitting services while you’re exercising. It’s great and is often included in the price. Thus, you will exercise while your kids are busy and then you’ll have more time for the rest chores while the kids are in the kindergarten. Besides, you won’t need to bring your kids to the nanny, which also takes your presious mommy time.

Happy weight loss in the gym!