7 Tips on How to Protect Your Child from Flu and Cold

According to the statistics, only 22% of children, who come to the first form, can be called completely healthy. The problems of child health, disease prevention, and the acquisition of habits have been discussed by the doctors at the European Congress on school and university medicine.

Child in winter clothes

The cherished dream of the parents of school children is to see their child adapted to the new conditions as soon as possible. And the rules postulated by the doctors will help to protect the child from seasonal colds and to foster the love of healthy living.

1. Healthy and Tasty Food

It is believed that kids love fast food. In fact, they just like to eat. Think about why your child prefers pizza to dinner at home? Maybe he/she likes cheese and tomatoes, so cook vegetable stew or French saute that the child will surely enjoy. If your child is a sweet tooth and loves pastries, replace cakes and cookies with useful fruits and nuts. Explain why potato chips, sweet soda water and hamburgers are harmful.

Home cooking seems dull to a child? Cook a dish of Italian and French cuisine together – vegetable pasta or minestrone soup – it will be useful and very tasty. Life without Coke may seem too boring. Replace it with fruit or vegetable juices. And instead of a dessert you can offer a beautifully served plate with fruit.

But what is a real must in the children’s diet? Pay attention to the pumpkin, red peppers, carrots, lemon, and cranberry – these foods contain vitamins A, E, PP, F and C. Calcium is very important for the teeth and bones, and there is a lot of it in cheese, cottage cheese, and sesame. A lot of useful microelements can be found in nuts, seeds and legumes. Keep in mind dairy products and vegetable probiotics (onion, garlic).

2. Morning Fitness against the Cold

Love for sports is instilled from childhood. Explain to your child that fitness helps to wake up, to finally get rid of sleepiness and lethargy. It is desirable to do the exercises at the same time and before breakfast. The minimum program includes arms swinging, bending, squatting, jumping in place, push-ups.

If your child does not go in for sports, be sure to arrange an active weekend: horseback riding, a swimming pool, a skating-rink, an outdoor festival and playing with a dog – ask the child what he/she likes.

3. Respiratory Gymnastics Helps to Avoid Health Conditions

For the child not to catch a cold, the doctors recommend breathing exercises. Here are two most useful exercises to prevent colds and the flu.

        • The child should put the hands on the ribs on both sides of the chest and imagine that he/she is smelling a scenty flower. A slow inhale through the nose (the ribs should move), and an exhale. The stomach and shoulders should remain stationary, and the ribs and hands should move. Repeat 3-4 times.
        • It is done standing, with the feet together, and the arms stretched along the body. As the child hears “one”, he/she raises the hands sides up, then the child inhales, holds the breath and slowly puts the hands down with the continuous exhaling sound “ph-h-h ‘. Repeat 2 times.

4. Day Regimen Stops the Flu

A clear and thoughtful daily regimen not only helps with the discipline and teaches us not to have a time trouble, but also protects against colds, if managed correctly. Discuss daily routine with the child and hang the schedule in the best visible place in the room. Remember that sleeping should take at least 9-10 hours. And be sure to include daily walks and exercises (at least 2-3 hours).

5.Massage to Prevent Catching a Cold

One should not necessarily go to a specialist (unless, of course, there is medical evidence). Self-massage will also be useful. Walking on massage mats stimulates the reflex zones of feet. Massage of ears is a great way to wake up as soon as possible: grasp the ear tips with the thumb and forefinger and pull them down a few times.

A vibratory massage of the chest is good for the respiratory system and prevents illness and cold. It is quite easy to tap your chest with a fist as you exhale, pronouncing vowel sounds.

6. Drawing, Constructing, Modelling

These lessons develop fine motor skills and thus help to quickly learn to write beautifully and stimulate the development of intellectual abilities.

7. Speaking to Parents

Share your experiences at dinner, ask about the child’s relationship with peers, his/her thoughts and wishes. Do not speak badly about his abilities and try to criticize less. On the contrary, strengthen the child’s confidence in his/her abilities and encourage progress. It is important not only to take care and be close, but also to teach a child to be independent and to learn to express his/her own opinion.

Source of the image: Photl.