Coca-Cola Is Contraceptive Drink for Men

Researchers at the Copenhagen University claim men who drink more than a liter of coca-cola every day can be harming the quality of their sperm. Low concentration of spermatozoa in ejaculate is linked to poor male fertility.


The study involved 2,500 young men. Those who drank more than a liter of cola every day had an average of 35 million spermatozoa in one milliliter of sperm compared to 50 million spermatozoa in men who didn’t drink cola. Researchers do not link contraceptive effects of cola to caffeine. Actually, it is now not clear if the caffeine is to blame.

Scientists commented on the findings in American Journal of Epidemiology stating that people who like soft drinks, as a general rule, have unhealthy lifestyle, they lack physical activity and love junk food.

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