Each Second American Kid to Get Autism by 2025

Researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology concluded that in 10 years 50% of all the US children will be autists. The use of new types of agricultural fertilizers is considered the main reason for the growing number of infants diagnosed with autism. There is no direct link between the increasing use of herbicides and growing autism incidence, but the scientists’ colleagues think about a new research.


In 1975, the number of autistic children in the United States was 1 in 5000. Since the 1990s, the chemical herbicide based on Roundup glyphosate by the Monsato company has been increasingly used in agriculture. In 2010, autism was diagnosed in 1 out of 88 children, and 2 years later every 68th child was an autist. So the number of cases has increased by approximately 30% in two years.

The number of children (6 to 21 years) with autism in the United States
A research scientist at MIT, Stephanie Seneff, reported that every second American child will be an autist by 2025, if the country does not change its current economic trends. Her study revealed that US residents’ urine contained 10 times more glyphosate than that of the Europeans. Moreover, American mothers’ breast milk contains a dangerous level of glyphosate, which exceeds its limits in European drinking water by 760-1600 times. Biomarkers showing excessive glyphosate concentration in the body have been also discovered in autistic children.

Seneff drew attention to the fact that glyphosate gradually accumulates in the environment and the human body; most studies of Roundup were short-term, which does not allow researching into its effects properly. The details of Stephanie Seneff’s report, dedicated to genetically modified organisms, were published in The Most Important News.