Healthy Nutrition Classes Have Made a Boy Anorexic

The parents of James Fieldsend, a 15-year-old boy from East Yorkshire, whose weight has recently reduced to 28.6 kilograms, accuse the school nutrition lessons of the pernicious influence, The Daily Mail writes.

Boy with Normal Weight
According to them, the boy began to develop anorexia in the age of seven, after he learnt about proper nutrition and the dangers of unhealthy foods at school. As a result, the boy began to skip meals and became very selective in food. In October 2010, doctors officially diagnosed anorexia.

It is known that in those nutrition classes the teacher handed out stars to those students who ate properly at home. As a result, the child ate only apples, lean bacon and porridge, rejecting harmful products. He said he just did not like food.

As a result, the boy developed pain in joints, anemia, and heart palpitations. Doctors stated that if he did not gain at least 0.5 kilograms in two weeks, serious deviations would begin. Through dietary counseling, the child gained weight, but the parents are afraid that this is only a temporary improvement.

In addition to eating disorders, the boy is not very socially active. He refuses to leave the house and communicates via the Internet, which indicates a wide range of mental disorders.