Pregnancy Breast Changes

One of the results of vast hormonal changes that are generated by pregnancy is the inflow of blood to the breast combined with the inception of active processes in the breast tissue. Your breasts begin to swell and feel extremely sensitive. Actually it is one of the first signs heralding pregnancy.

Pregnant happy woman

Some of these sensations may be rather unpleasant – your breasts tinge and get sore too easily. Generally these changes begin to manifest themselves after a month or so and last for about two months. With some women it resembles the sensations in their breasts that they have before their period.

Unpleasant Breast Changes during Pregnancy

While some of these sensations will probably let off after the first trimester, your breasts won’t stop growing. Your skin will be stretching – a process that may be accompanied by itching and appearance of stretch marks. Veins may become more pronounced. Normally you will have to go a couple of cup sizes up, especially if it’s your first pregnancy.

How Nipples and Areolas Change

Your nipples and areolas (the areas surrounding the nipples) will also feel the inflow of blood; they will be growing bigger and darker. Your areolas are covered with tiny bumps that you never gave a thought to before, but now they will grow in size as well. They are called Montgomery’s tubercles and are glands that produce oil.

All these changes go towards making your breasts better fitted for feeding and nursing.

Colostrum Appearance

By the end of the first trimester the time comes when milk begins to appear. At first it is a special kind of milk called colostrum – your baby will be getting it right after the birth. It is thick and yellowish in color. Some women even leak it after they’re halfway through pregnancy, although there’s no reason to be worried if it doesn’t happen with you.

How to Choose the Right Bra during Pregnancy

Pregnancy is the time when the role of bras becomes especially important for securing maximum comfort. You should get a sufficient supply of different bras. Get hold of an experienced salesperson on whose advice you can rely and choose carefully. Purchase bras designed for better support; here are some hints towards choosing the right bra.

  • Buy bras larger in size both in terms of cups and chest circumference.
  • Don’t forget that your breasts and your belly are going to keep growing, so it’s a good idea to pick a couple of bras that are too big now but may come in handy later.
  • When trying them on, always fasten them as tight as you can so you will be able to adjust the setting as you are growing.
  • Then, go for cotton ones instead of synthetic – they are more comfortable and will provide better ventilation.
  • If your breasts have gotten very sensitive, hold off bras fitted with wiring. The material must be soft with as few seams as possible, especially around nipples.

Choosing a Bra for Physical Activities

You will appreciate a good supportive bra when you set about your exercising. Your breasts have grown bigger and heavier and you are going to need all the support and comfort that a bra can provide. You will certainly feel the difference during your daily workouts!

Maternity Bra for More Comfort

Go to maternity stores to look for some special kind of bras. You may want to purchase a pregnancy sleep bra which is extra soft and nonrestrictive and will help you get a good night’s sleep. If you feel like getting all the comfort you can, try maternity bras that provide better support in the daytime.

When Should You Buy a Nursing Bra?

While you’re at it, you may as well get a nursing bra. You may find it a very comfortable thing as the delivery approaches and you will certainly need it for comfortable breastfeeding.

Source of the image: Askamum.