Pregnancy Pigment Spots

Most often, chloasma (pigment spots) appear exactly at the time of pregnancy. As a rule, their “places of dislocation” are décolleté area, face, neck (and more rarely – back).


What Causes Pregnancy Pigment Spots?

However, apart from pregnancy itself, hyperpigmentation can be caused by different diseases that have been observed before conception. For example:

  • hormonal disorders;
  • diseases of internal organs (e.g. liver);
  • diabetes;
  • adrenal or thyroid gland disease.

The experts are also inclined to consider lack of folic acid in the body of the future mom the potential cause of pigment spots. This deficiency can be compensated for not only by taking special medicine for pregnant women, but by eating much spinach, cabbage, oranges, liver, and leafy vegetables.

How to Treat Hyperpigmentation: Home Remedies

Hyperpigmentation may be triggered by excessive solarium and/or sunbathing.

  • A lot of natural “ingredients” have the bleaching effect. For example, the juice of onions, cranberries, cucumber, lemon and parsley. These masks are absolutely natural and homemade, and will help you to get rid of pigment spots or at least lighten them.
  • Grate a half of Bulgarian pepper. Apply it to the clean skin (and spread more of it in the pigment spot area);
  • squeeze the juice of a whole lemon. Mix it with two tablespoons of honey. Soak a clean cloth with this mixture and apply it on the spot for 20 minutes;
  • mix milk, honey and yeast (in equal proportions). Apply it onto the cleansed face skin.

Pigmentation Treatment
The spots often disappear after delivery. If they do not, one should visit a beautician. We should not forget that pigment spots are only a consequence. The cause of hyperpigmentation may be a disease that must be identified and treated.

The following methods are used to combat pigment spots in modern cosmetics:

  • chemical peeling;
  • mesotherapy (a method of intradermal introduction of medication);
  • cryotherapy (a way of treatment with liquid nitrogen).