Cesarean Section Birth: Pros and Cons

Scientists have obtained evidence that delivering a child by Cesarean section (if there are no serious arguments for it) is undesirable both for the mother, and for the baby. So, what are the pros and cons of Cesarean section?


Unnecessary Cesarean Section: Study

The microflora of the babies born this way differs from the microflora of those who were born naturally. And that is the reason for the “Caesarian” babies being more susceptible to diseases, experts say. The study of the specialists from the University of Puerto Rico was attended by their colleagues from the University of Colorado at Boulder and two Venezuela institutes.

Nine pregnant women and ten newborn babies (one of the women gave birth to twins) were kept under observation. Four women gave birth naturally, but five of them – by Caesarean section. Samples of the bacterial flora of the skin, the mucous membranes of the mouth, and the vagina were taken from all the mothers after delivering babies. And samples of microorganisms from skin, mouth, intestine and nose were taken from all the babies immediately after birth.

Body bacteria were studied with the help of the molecular-genetic method: by analyzing the structure of variable region genes of bacterial ribosomal subunit (16S rRNA). This site serves as a genetic marker for different groups of bacteria.

The microflora of the investigated women organs consisted of different bacterial colonies. Their composition, naturally, differed; the skin mostly contained Staphylococcus, Corinebacterium and Propionibacterium, the mouth – Streptococcus, and the vagina – Lactobacillus and Prevotella.

Baby’s Microflora

A baby’s microflora differed primarily by uniformity in all parts of the body: that of the skin, that of the mouth, that of the nose, and that of the intestine – they all were the same. But the most interesting thing is that the microflora turned out to depend on the method of baby delivering.

Bacterial colonies of the babies who have come through the mother’s birth canal are dominated by lactobacilli and other vaginal mother’s microbes. And the microflora of the”Caesar-born” in all parts of the body is similar to that of the skin bacteria with the predominance of staphylococci. And in these cases there is no connection with the mother’s organism.

Mother’s Bacteria

The fetus develops in the uterus in sterile conditions, the authors of the study explain. The first portion of the microbes a person gets as soon as he or she is born. And the portion is clearly dependent on the method of birth. If a child passes through the birth canal, then there is a transfer of bacteria from mother to child. If it is removed surgically, it picks up everything on its way.

The scientists stress that vaginal lactobacilli have a protective effect on the newborn, preventing him or her from picking other microbes, such as hazardous staphylococci. “The differences that we have seen may be associated with health risks of the babies born by Caesarean section,” – Dr. Elizabeth Costello said.

C-Section Born Babies Are Less Healthy

It is well known that babies born by Caesarean section are more susceptible to staphylococcal infections (statistics account for about 64% -82% of all cases). These children undergo the colonization of the intestinal useful bacteria later, they are more likely to suffer from allergies and asthma. Their body especially needs the introduction of probiotics, including lactobacilli.

The results of the study are important because more and more women have their babies delivered by Caesarean section (for example, in the U.S. there are more than 30% of such cases). Learn more about what is dangerous for your child in the PNAS journal.

Source of the image: Photl.