Delivery Room Packing Tips

Ladies, please stop thinking about never-ending items for carrying during your delivery. Women who have undergone the pressure of pregnancy and childbirth would be able to tell you more about the most important items that you must carry to the hospital during your childbirth. So rather than shipping anything useless in the bag, what should you carry in your bag?

Woman in a delivery room

Like you might have seen on television, the loved ones completely react to labor in madness. The situation becomes worse as if the hell has broken loose. In actual fact, nothing like this happens in the real world. Your labor would slowly begin with mild pains which would start getting more painful in a couple of hours. Just in case your water breaks, it will drip rather than flowing uncontrollably. This will give you some moments to re-collect prior to leaving on way towards the hospital. By this time, if you are still not on the hot-seat of childbirth, you must quit worrying about the bag. A lot of women get their packing done at the last moment. If you are well aware of the items you need to put in the bag, then this packing process will be done within a blink of an eye.

Before doing anything, keep a zipper bag handy as it will keep all your items in it safely. On the other hand, zipper bags are easily accessible and trouble-free to carry.

At this point you must know the important items that pregnant moms should pack before leaving.

Cozy Mommy Clothes

By the time you are in labor and in the process of childbirth, you are least interested to figure out what you are wearing. Then may it even be the revealing hospital gown for instance. But what would you wear after the baby has arrived? Try carrying something comfortable like your favorite pajamas or also a special mommy outfit with you.

Comfy, Wooly Socks

While in labor, a lot of women go through ample of emotions and feelings. The most common of them all is having cold feet. Many moms suggest keeping comfy and wooly socks on even while they are in labor.

Your Personal Cushion

The cushions provided in hospitals are not recognized for their soft qualities or comforting coziness. During labor, if you wish your head to rest peacefully, bring your personal pillow to the hospital because the delivery room beds and pillows here are not designed for your relaxation.

You can even carry body pillows for further comfort.

Reading Items

Please don’t expect your labor to get over within one push. You will have contractions and short time to rest as well. But, during this phase, you must keep yourself relaxed. Reading helps you get away from the phase of labor and processes an efficient delivery.

Quick Nibbles for Dad

Though you might be in labor, but you must not ignore the dad or anyone who is accompanying you through labor. While packing you bag, try to stuff some foodstuffs as well. We’ve heard a lot of women complain that their husbands ran out to grab an instant bite. So you must keep something handy instead.

Stay Cheerful

We know that some of you would not be pleased about the suggestion of keeping a camera or a mobile phone while you are in labor. These gadgets will assist you to spread the good news and will record the most memorable day in your life.

After Delivery

After the childbirth, you might have to stay at the hospital for a day or two. Please carry some necessary toiletries like your make-up, toothbrush, toothpaste and even your hair brush. Don’t expect your first breastfeeding moment to be a smooth walk in the garden. Some women have had a tough time dealing with hyper-sensitive nipples which didn’t even allow them to put on a shirt. Do not leave your home without a lanolin cream and potential lactating moms.

If there are some additional items you need to carry to the hospital, you can surely add them to the list.

Source of the image: Rangefinderforum.