Multivitamins May Provoke Premature Birth

Although scientists have already proved the advantageous influence of prenatal supplements on expectant mothers (most beneficial for ones in developing countries), it appears that unnecessary pill-taking late during the pregnancy may lead to undesirable results.


A study in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology reveals that well-nourished women who use multivitamin supplements all through their pregnancy increase the risk of premature labors and may give birth before the standard 37 weeks.

The reason, according to the researchers, lies in the fact that different vitamins and minerals may interact unpredictably decreasing the amount of nutrients required for the fetus’s proper development.
Nevertheless these supplements were not found to influence the weight of the new-born baby adversely even if taken during the third trimester.

Scientists are certain that so far as the pregnant woman is sticking to a well-balanced diet she stands in no need of supporting herself with any supplements, especially in the months preceding the birth.

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