Let the Baby Do the Chores

Young babies bring on heaps of chores, like having to look after them round the clock, changing dirty nappies all the time, and meanwhile you have to find time to do the house properly. It seems next to impossible to find time for everything – unless you can combine some of the duties. Want to get help from the baby with cleaning floors?

Baby is doing the Chores

No, this is not a joke. Consider a simple way of arranging it called the Baby Mop. You pay $40 and get a baby suit fitted out with mop-like attachments all the way down, brushing the floor clean where the baby crawls.

This ingenious outfit coming in all sizes for babies from 3 months to a year is going to save you money and time – think of 9 months of regular baby-cleaning while you take a rest! Besides, the manufacturers claim it also possesses educational value, teaching the little ones to clean after themselves. With a little enticement it provides them with a lot of exercise ensuring a better night’s sleep.