3-Parent Kids to Be Born Next Year

From next year on, the UK Parliament may permit the birth of 3-parent kids, resulting from the use of gene technologies. The opponents of this method claim that it violates the principles of the sanctity of human life and can lead to unpredictable consequences for future generations of the children born this way.

The UK is on the point of legalizing the creation of genetically modified children. This law will allow to give birth to babies, according to the requirements of their parents, without any hereditary diseases that can lead to death or turn into an invalid for life. As a result of this method, the child will have two moms and a father.

The proponents of this method say that genetic modification of embryos and egg cells can help the couples, who suffer from miscarriages and lethal genetic diseases. The opponents argue that the consequences of creating “designed children” are not known yet and they violate the sacrament of birth.

The process of genetic “crossing” is prohibited in most countries. It allows the scientists to reconstruct babies with a certain color of eyes or hair. It turns people into followers of eugenics (the science of human breeding), which was widely used by the Third Reich.

A member of the governmental Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority Lisa Jardine admits that being at the starting point of this idea, they are balancing between the desire to help couples find healthy babies and the adverse attitude of the today’s society towards these children. The goal stated by the researchers had a noble intention. All hereditary diseases are caused by a mutation in the DNA mitochondria, and the birth of such children will truly be a sensation.