American Men Spend Thousands of Dollars on Surrogates

According to one of the largest surrogacy centers in Los Angeles men are willing to pay a fortune to have children. But the most interesting thing is that not only homosexual couples, but also men with traditional sexual orientation, who failed to meet their better half, use the services of the Growing Generations company.


American bachelors do not look for simple ways to conceive. They carefully study the catalog of surrogate mothers, and if they do not find a suitable candidate, they come to the center with their female friends.

The company’s customers pay from 120 to 150 thousand dollars to have a baby, and if fathers want two children, they have to pay 25,000 more.
The co-owner of the surrogacy center Stuart Bell says men and women have their biological clock. If at the age of 40 they do not have any children, they come to the center, knowing that they are “missing the boat”.

According to him, among those who want to raise children alone there are many foreigners. This is because the service is prohibited in some countries. In America, the authorities are quite democratic about this procedure, especially in California. In local clinics, there is a huge queue of wealthy bachelors, Bell says.