Baby Born in 5th Month Survived

In one of the British hospitals, there has been recently born a premature baby. Its mother rejected the doctors’ advice to have an abortion and decided to give birth to the baby, but the delivery began four months earlier. The scientists claim that a woman was incredibly lucky to have her baby alive.


Now the baby is healthy and may be discharged from hospital. The boy was named Jacob. The doctors had been repeatedly appealing to the woman with the request to consider an abortion because the baby had abnormalities, and the risk of various pathologies of the fetus was growing. However, the expectant mother did not hesitate to give birth to the child.

The experts say it is a very rare case for a child born in 5th month to survive. For a few months, the baby had been receiving a special oxygen therapy, because it was too small to breathe independently, and the lungs of the baby had not opened enough. During the four months, the doctors had been doing their best to save the infant, establishing close monitoring of the baby. At the moment, it is in a stable condition, and its health is back to the norm, so the parents have nothing to be afraid of.

The doctors are going to discharge the baby from hospital in the near future, because it is all right at the moment. Now the parents recall that they could not believe it when the doctors advised an abortion. They said that the infant had very little chance to survive. At that time, the now happy parents had 24 hours to make the final decision. Of course, they did not want to have an abortion. The consultant, Sam Oddie, who had been providing the woman with active prenatal care, said they had never had a baby, which would have survived after being born during the 23rd week.

Source of the image: Photl.