Birth of a Daughter is a Path to Divorce

Dads most often want sons while mums – daughters. It turns out that the baby’s gender has a direct impact on the chances of a divorce. And it is better for wives to start with boys.


Any child is a gift to parents, but no matter how cruel it may sound, the birth of girls poses greater danger to the family than that of boys. These are not fabrications by psychologists but the U.S. statistics.

It turned out that the birth of boys in some degree protects a family against divorce – such couples break up less often. But moreover, if a woman with a boy remains without a husband, then she is more likely to marry again than a woman with a girl.

Researchers from the United States obtained these figures based on data from the National Bureau of Statistics of more than 3 million adults in America. The authors of the study were economists Gordon Dahl of the University of California, San Diego and Enrico Moretti of the University of Berkeley. They discovered that there was a 5% increase of divorces in households where the first-born was a girl. And three girls in a family increase the chances of divorce by 10%.

How are psychologists explaining this phenomenon? On the one hand, the birth of a boy in a family can cause parents to stay closer to each other, as it is known that “a boy needs a father”. On the other hand, mothers with their daughters often resolve to destroy an unhappy marriage since girls often support them in this decision.

Scientists estimate that in 2007, 52 000 girls under 12 years of age, born in the families first, could have had full-fledged dads, if they were born as boys. Although fathers serve as role models for their sons, play football with them and teach them how to drive.

On the other hand, it is known that girls more often take the sides of fathers in family conflicts and love dads more, while boys love Moms more.

Source of the image: Photl.