Elite Sperm Bank Helps Find a Stylish Donor

The women wishing to get pregnant with the help of a donor can choose a candidate based not only on his physical abilities. Now, the questionnaires of some clinics indicate the descriction of a person’s style, such as “the image of a rock star,” or “a fan of the English style,” “introspective, relaxed, and having a clear style.”


The idea of such a database belongs to London Sperm Clinic. In addition to a detailed description of the appearance of the donor, the questionnaires contain the information about one’s personal qualities and hobbies. When delivering their biomaterial to the Bank, the donors fill out a questionnaire and write a brief curriculum vitae explaining the reason that forced them to donate the material to the bank. By the way, most men viewed the donation as the act of philanthropy.

The staff of the clinic, in their turn, describe their impressions of the donor, and their opinion can also be seen in the questionnaire.

Source of the image: Photl.