Hypnosis Helped a Woman Bear and Give Birth to a Baby

British woman Louise Cheshire from the town of Coventry gave birth to a healthy girl after she had been told with the help of hypnosis that she was pregnant.

Make your Baby Sleep

According to The Daily Mail, Louise had two miscarriages 7 years ago. Two years later, she and her partner Ian Forest tried to conceive a child, but they failed.

In the end, the woman agreed to non-traditional methods of infertility treatment and turned to a psychologist who used the methods of hypnosis. The hypnotist gave the woman a subconscious awareness that she was already pregnant. 4 weeks after the session, the tests really showed that she was pregnant, and a fetus was developing in her womb.

According to the woman, she passed a series of tests, and they did not show there was anything wrong with her or Ian. The doctors said that everything was in order, but she would constantly fail to get pregnant. So the happy mother decided that hypnosis would be her last attempt.

As a matter of fact, hypnosis helped Louise quit smoking several years ago. So she thought that she could try it with pregnancy. Of course, the effectiveness of this therapy in the case of childbirth is uncertain. However, hypnosis really helped her.

12 months later, Louise gave birth to a healthy baby girl. Specialist in hypnosis therapy Russell Hemmings was not surprised that the suggestion had worked. According to him, this method could have a strong influence on the processes in the body, if used correctly.