LEGO Enjoys Unsurpassed Popularity

Neither Transformers nor Barbie is still able to make a dint in the universal popularity of LEGO. This is everybody’s favorite that came on top of the poll meant to name the best-loved toy in the world.


The survey embraced 3,000 people within the age range of 20-40 years old, more than half of whom gave their votes to LEGO.

With men LEGO is the outright winner, followed in popularity by Game Boy, Transformers and Action Man. Women placed Barbie first, though, LEGO, My Little Pony, Game Boy and Cindy trailing not far behind.

LEGO, a set of colorful construction bricks, was first unveiled in 1949 by the Danish company Lego Group and means “play well” in Danish. The name seems to have been chosen aptly, and LEGO’s spokesperson says they intend to build on the win!

Source of the image: Gizmodo

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